Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting our users' privacy. Keeping the information you share with us on the site, secure and ensuring your understanding of how we collect, use and maintain your information is important to us at We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your information and while no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure from intrusion, we have used and will continue to use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the protection of your information. We continually assess new technology for protecting information and, when appropriate, we upgrade our information security systems.

Because of its importance and to make it easier for you to find and review it, we have made this Privacy Policy into a separate document on the site. However, bear in mind it is a part of our agreement with you and we reserve the right to modify this policy. Any changes to the policy will be posted on this page. Users are encouraged to check the page regularly as they will be bound by the changes once posted on the site.

Disclosure (General)
Although your privacy is very important to us, in this legal and technical environment, we cannot fully ensure that your personally identifiable information will not be disclosed to third parties

This Privacy Policy is intended to explain our privacy practices and inform you as to:
- the kinds of information we collect from users of the site and how that information is collected;
- how we use the information;
- the circumstances under which we disclose information to third parties;
- how you can access, update or delete any information collected about you by us;
- the mechanisms we have implemented to protect your personally identifiable information.
-You can visit the site and learn about our company and its Products, as well as certain goods and services available from our advertisers and suppliers.

Personally Identifiable Information
When we use the term "personally identifiable information" we mean information such as your full name, street address, town or city, state, zip code, telephone number, date of birth, e-mail address, IP address and any other information that would allow someone to identify you or contact you. Personally identifiable information also includes information about your transactions or relationship with us, if you have been a customer or you have provided this type of information. For example, if you make a purchase on our site, in addition to your name and contact information, we will also collect and maintain your billing address, Image selections, your order number and information about your computer's internet address and web site which may have referred or directed you to the site (e.g. the referring URL). We collect this and other information to fill your order, to communicate with you about your order and to send you promotional materials.

We may use the information we obtain from you, including personally identifiable information, to tailor your experience on the site, to display content we think may be of interest to you, or to let us customize what you see when you visit the site according to your preferences.

Some features and functions of the site require you to register or obtain our permission before you can use them - for security, identification and marketing reasons, among others - and as part of that process we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. In addition, during the registration process we will also ask you to select (or we may provide) a user login and password (we will allow you to change your password, as well as any personally identifiable information you have given us in order to keep this information current and accurate). Among other things, this information helps us securely identify you as a registered or permitted user of those features and functions.

Bear in mind that when you submit information to us, it does not guarantee that we will permit you to use any or all of the features or functions of the site.
The personally identifiable information you provide to us, as well as any information, personal or otherwise, that you create and which may be saved on or in association with the site, is used to provide you with better service. It allows us to save you time and money and better understand your needs. It also helps us help you learn more about your preferences and those goods and services that may be of interest to you. For example, we track your information to assist us in confirming and filling orders, producing reports, maintaining quality control, administering and managing the site and our business, and, whenever it may become necessary or appropriate, to contact you concerning your orders, your transactions or any other activities associated with the site. We may use your personally identifiable information to advise you of goods or services which may be available from, its suppliers and/or advertisers. If you are a registered user, you also acknowledge, understand and hereby agree that you are giving us your consent to track your activities and your use of the site and its functions and features, in connection with your registration and use of the site.

We use ‘cookie’ technology to collect data regarding your visits to the site. This data is stored in aggregate form and is not used to identify any particular user or individual, by other means than to provide you with access to our site, products or services. We use cookies and similar tracking technologies in a variety of ways, including:
- keeping count of your return visits to the site;
- accumulating and reporting aggregate, statistical information in connection with the site;
- identifying relevant keywords and search terms relating to images viewed;
- determining which features users like best;
- choosing advertisements that might be more relevant to you and
- saving your user ID, your password or other information so you don't have to re-enter it each time you visit the site.
A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that uniquely identifies your browser. Assuming your browser is configured to accept them, when you visit our websites, we will send one or more cookies to your computer or other device. We may also set one or more cookies in your browser when you click on an ads or other links presented on our website. Cookies make it possible to store user preferences and record which portions of our website you and other users are using the most. We use cookies for the purposes of preventing fraud and improving the quality of our service. If you choose not to accept cookies, you should configure your browser to not accept them by following the documentation provided with your browser software. If you have questions about how to enable or disable cookies in your browser, you should contact the developer of your browser software for more information. Disabling cookies in your browser will cause certain portions of the website to not function as expected. We will interpret your access of this website using a browser that is configured to accept cookies as an affirmative representation that (I) you have read and understood this cookie policy; and (ii) you consent to us setting cookies in your browser.

Remarketing Program participates in various “Remarketing” programs that are designed to tailor advertisements you see by recording certain keywords and tags that are associated with the pages you browse on our website, and then using that information to automatically select ads that may be more relevant to you. More specifically, uses Ad Serving feature provided by Google.
Please note that this procedure will not block ads that are displayed on the websites you visit, and it will not prevent websites other than from collecting remarketing data about your browsing activities

Third Parties on our site
Our site may contain advertisements, references and links to other web sites and organizations. You should be aware that different rules may apply to the collection, use or disclosure of your information by third parties in connection with their advertisements, promotions and other web sites you encounter on the Internet. The use of such technology by these third parties is within their control and not ours, and even if we have a relationship with the third party, we do not control those sites or their policies and practices regarding your information and we encourage you to investigate and ask questions directly of them in this regard.

Disclosure to Third Parties
Except as described in this Privacy Policy, Vyapar Team uses good faith efforts not to provide third parties with access to your personally identifiable information. We will, however, make your personally identifiable information available to others:
- When we have your consent (you "opt in") to do so, in which case their use of your information is subject to their own privacy policies;
- When we have retained companies to work with or on behalf of to provide Products, goods or services that you have requested;
- When we are compelled to do so by a governmental agency, court or other entity (e.g., to respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process);
- If we believe your actions violate any law, regulation, our Terms of Use or any of our guidelines for promotions, Product offerings or any other features or functions of the site, or if you threaten the rights, property or safety of, its suppliers, advertisers, other customers or users, or any other party;
- As and when we, in our sole discretion, believe such disclosure to be necessary or appropriate to investigate or resolve possible problems or inquiries, to protect our business and assets, to defend our interests and/or to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations; or
- In the event of a bankruptcy, or a merger, acquisition, joint venture or other business combination involving us.
It is also possible that third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications.
We do not sell or market your personally identifiable information to unaffiliated organizations. Some of the aggregate customer data we collect may be shared with advertising companies in order to enhance and improve the operation and relevance of the site, but we do not give any personally identifiable information to them as part of this relationship. Use of their tracking technology is subject to their own privacy policies.
Your messages to us, including comments and other feedback that you may provide to us, are not private communications and will not be treated as such. We will use these communications to help improve the site and to help other users understand which features are popular and useful. In doing so, it is necessary to share your communications to us with various third parties. Unless expressly directed otherwise by you in the communication, we may share the contents of such communications from you with other parties; provided, however, that we will not identify you as the author of the communications using your real name, if at all. For example, we may include as a testimonial in promotional materials your feedback to us concerning your experience in using the website. You should avoid including any information in the contents of your communications to us that may reveal your identity as the author of the communication unless you intend that we disclose the same without restriction to any party.

Communications from us
If you provide us with your e-mail address, we may occasionally send you emails notifying you about new services, products or other news relevant for you or the community.

Our privacy guidelines are designed to ensure that we:
- collect and use your personally identifiable information only as necessary to deliver high quality service, to administer our business and to let you know of goods and services that are available from our family of companies;
- protect the personally identifiable information the site's users share with us, maintaining strict standards of security and confidentiality. In this regard we even limit access by our own employees to those individuals who are trained and advised in the proper handling of such information and any employee found violating our standards of security and confidentiality will be subject to our disciplinary processes;
- not disclose your personally identifiable information to any external organization, except as we have described in this Privacy Policy or unless we have previously obtained your consent ("opt in
- require any other organization that we retain or engage to provide services for us, to conform to our privacy standards and to allow us to audit them for compliance;
- exchange information about you and carry out credit approvals or checks necessary for your purchases of Products from us, to prevent fraud and any other activities we may be required to monitor and report under applicable laws and regulations; and
- make every effort to keep your personally identifiable information complete, up to date, and accurate based on the information you provide us. Our site provides a convenient and easy to use mechanism to allow you to access and update the personally identifiable information you give us.

Sole Statement
This Privacy Policy is the sole statement of's privacy policy with respect to the site, and no summary, restatement or other version thereof, or other privacy statement or policy, in any form, including, without limitation, machine-generated, is valid.

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